Topic outline

  • General

    • Topic 2

      How We Express Ourselves

      Central Idea: People explore their creativity and express themselves in different ways 

      We are inquiring into:

      • Different ways we create (Form)

      • Tools and techniques to create (Function)

      • How we respond to different experiences (Perspective)

      Key and Related Concepts

      Form:  What is it like?

      Function:  How does it work?

      Perspective:  What are the points of view? 

      Related Concepts
      : Choice, Expression, Creativity 

      Learner Profile


      Children talk about their creative choices 

      Explore new vocabulary 

      Communicate/express themselves in a variety of ways 



      Acknowledge the ideas of others

      Try out new experiences, e.g. finger painting and clay

      Engage in opportunities to develop confidence, e.g. Forest School and Beach School


      Reflecting on experiences, their likes and dislikes

      Making connections 

      Thinking about the suitability of the tools and techniques they have used to create 

      Approaches to Learning

      Communication Skills: Symbolic Exploration and Expression

      Reading, writing, and mathematics

      Taking on pretend roles and situations

      Using mark-marking to convey meaning

      Communicating using a range of techniques, materials, and technologies

      Social Skills: Interpersonal relationships, social and emotional intelligence

      Be aware of own feelings

      Manage anger and resolve conflict 

      Be self and socially aware

      Be aware of own and others' impact as a member of a learning group 

      Be respectful to others

      Thinking Skills: Creative thinking

      Generating novel ideas: Using discussion and play to generate new ideas and investigations

      Making new, or fresh connections between objects and/or ideas

      What is this unit about?

      In this unit, the K1s will be able to inquire into how we can express our feelings and ideas through the arts. More specifically, we will be inquiring into how we communicate through the arts, the creative choices people make, and the role of arts in celebrations. Through these inquiries, the children will develop their understanding of what it means to be a communicator and the PYP attitude of creativity. They will be able to apply both of these dispositions to their own artwork and present their pieces to their peers. 

      “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world” - Albert Einstein

      Throughout this unit, we will encourage the children to use their imagination as they express themselves and to try out new ways of thinking. The process of self-expression and the ability to be creative is extremely important and influences the development of children’s communication as well as their emotional skills.

      Supporting Your Child at Home

      • Provide your child with access to some resources they can use to be creative - art supplies, cheap cameras, fabrics to make their own costumes, construction materials, etc.

      • Encourage your child to have a go and make mistakes – often when children are afraid of failure and judgment; their creative thought is limited. 

      • Display their artwork somewhere visible – this will demonstrate that you value and appreciate their creations and in turn, this will boost their confidence.

      • Think out loud – share your observations and wonder with your child. Talk about the different colours you see when you are out and about, and model asking questions ‘I wonder why the leaves are those colours?’

      • Topic 3

        How We Express Ourselves: Introductory Workshop

        If you would like to find out more about our current unit of inquiry 'How We Express Ourselves' please click HERE

        To access the recorded workshop, please click HERE