Overview of Distance Learning Provision
⦿ Live Learning: Whole Class Sessions
Children will join their whole class to explore key learning concepts, prepare for learning connected to the small group sessions and take part in activities with their class community.
⦿ Live Learning: Small Group Sessions
Children will be invited to join at least one small group session each day. These sessions give children more focussed time with their class teacher and deepen their understanding, knowledge and skills.
⦿ Flexible Learning Engagements
This session provides time for families to complete the learning experiences offered on the Community Hub. There will also be opportunities to join additional live & recorded sessions such as music & movement, storytelling, ESF Sports & additional learning support at this time.
⦿ Learning Resource Packs
Each Unit of Inquiry will be supported with a range of support packs that will be available for families to collect from the school. Class teachers will provide details of timing, content and how each pack should be used.